Thursday, January 26, 2023

For Tuesday: Humans of New York, last questions

NOTE: Be sure to see the Paper #1 assignment two posts down if you missed class on Thursday, as several of you did! 

Answer two of the following...

Q1: Find one picture that you feel represents who you are right now. It doesn't have to look like you or even be the same sex/age as you, but how do they somehow embody your own identity at this moment in time? It could be their style, clothing, attitude, or what they're communicating in the caption.

Q2: Find one picture that you feel represents who you most hope to be 5-10 years from now. Again, it can be a different age/sex than you, but what about them seems to represent an identity you hope to attain or realize in the future. Why is this? How might this person underline the connotation of "success" or "happiness" or even "being an adult" for you? 

Q3: If you had to choose ONE of these images to be on the cover of the book, which one would you choose? Would it be more because of the picture itself, or the story it tells? Why might it best represent all that Humans of New York offers to the reader?

Q4: Which person or which person's story in the book would make a good movie or TV show? Even with only a small story, why might it hold an entire story behind it? What kind of show/movie do you think it would be? 

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