Thursday, March 4, 2021

Blog Response #6: Persepolis, Part II: Chapters "The Soup" to "The Return"


NOTE: I won't give you a new blog video today, since so few people seemed to have watched and responded to the last one. So I'm giving those who haven't responded a chance to go back and watch/respond to it for credit. But this is one-time thing, so be careful! I don't want you to go into midterms with missed assignments. 

For NEXT WEEK, be sure to read the chapters "The Soup" to "The Return." This is NOT the entire book--we'll finish that after Spring Break. But read these chapters for now and then we'll have an in-class writing prompt on Monday/Wednesday. 

The prompt for next week's class is below if you want to start thinking about it! I'm giving it to you early since I want people to make sure they've read enough to answer it...I'm worried people aren't reading and are falling behind in the class. Mid-terms are this week, so it's a great time to reassess your commitment to the class! 

Next Week's In-Class Response (don't respond with a comment-we'll write this in class): Marjane fled Iran to the relative safety and freedom of Vienna, where her parents hoped she could get a proper education. However, even though Vienna promises her everything Iran withheld from her, she has a traumatic experience and almost dies. Some people suggest that "complete freedom is a kind of prison." Why does this prove true for Marjane? Why does moving from the control of fundamentalism Islam to the freedom of democratic Europe prove so dangerous for her? How could freedom offer its own dangers to society and those living in it?

See you next week! 


  1. Are we supposed to reply to this post or not since we did it in class?

    1. Ha, no, this was just a head's up for class (see above).
