Monday, January 24, 2022

For Wednesday: Stanton, Humans of New York

Answer TWO of the following for Wednesday's class: 

Q1: Though primarily a book of portraits, Stanton includes a few longer stories in the book to complement one or two images. Focus on one of these longer stories and explain why you think he gives us the extra information. What does knowing this person's story add to our perception of the "human" behind it? 

Q2: Why do you think Stanton shows so many pictures of people with their dogs and other pets? Are there actually more people in relationships with their pets than other people in NYC, based on these photos? Why might this be significant? 

Q3: What strikes me most about Humans of New York is the portrait it paints of "your" generation (meaning high school and college-aged). Do you think it's an accurate portrait? Do you identify with many of these people and their struggles and desires? What could older people (like me) learn about your generation from this book?

Q4: If you could put one of these images in a time capsule, to be opened up in 50 years, which one would it be? What would you want this image to communicate to future ECU students about our world? 

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